UFZ - Urban Floodway Zone (2)
SBO - Special Building Overlay (3)
FO - Floodway Overlay (4)
LSIO - Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (5)
1 in 500 RCP8.5 WRI McKinsey flood modelling (8)
| 0.000023 - 0.00555167 |
| 0.00555168 - 0.0208786 |
| 0.0208787 - 0.0423174 |
| 0.0423175 - 0.0827884 |
| 0.0827885 - 4.66914 |
Current 2009 (14)
20cm 2040 (15)
47cm 2070 (16)
82cm 2100 (17)
Current 2009 - ss (19)
20cm 2040 - ss (20)
47cm 2070 - ss (21)
82cm 2100 - ss (22)
Projected 1.1m sea level rise by 2100 (24)
Projected 1.1m sea level rise by 2100, plus inundation 1-in-100 year storm tide and storm surge level increased by 19% (25)
BMO - Bushfire Management Overlay (28)
BPA - Bushfire Prone Areas (29)
Heat Vulnerability Index (2018) (Suburb) (33)
EMO - Erosion Management Overlay (37)
SMO - Salinity Management Overlay (38)
Population (42)