alias: Vegetation density assessment, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: Easy to walk in any direction without needing to choose a path between shrubs]
, [2: Easy to choose a path through but brush against vegetation occasionally]
, [3: Moderately easy to choose apth through, but brush against vegetation most of the time]
, ...2 more...
alias: What type of ladder fuel is present, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Number of cells filled with fine scale vegetation, type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Non-woody shrub component size, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[medFine: Medium fine (3-10mm2) (e.g. sedges, small leave shrubs)]
, [fine: Fine (>10mm2) (e.g. coarse evergreen leaves)]
alias: Average non-woody shrub min height, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Average non-woody shrub max height, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Percentage dead of non-woody shrub (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Position of non-woody shrub vertically, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: Most of the fine fuel at bottom of profile]
, [2: Most of the fine fuel at top of profile]
, [3: Continuous fine fuel from bottom to top]
alias: Percentage dead of woody shrub (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Position of woody shrub vertically, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: Most of the fine fuel at bottom of profile]
, [2: Most of the fine fuel at top of profile]
, [3: Continuous fine fuel from bottom to top]
alias: Average woody shrub fine fuel min height, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Average woody shrub fine fuel max height, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Position of woody sapling shrub vertically, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: Most of the fine fuel at bottom of profile]
, [2: Most of the fine fuel at top of profile]
, [3: Continuous fine fuel from bottom to top]
alias: Are there trees or saplings with bark that will contribute to spotting (short or long) and/or other firebrands present?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: Do more than 10% of trees have fine fibrous bark?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: How stringybark is attached, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[2: Bark tightly held, requires substantial effort to break off bark by hand]
, [3: Bark is mostly tightly held with a few pieces loosely attached]
, [4: Many pieces of bark loosely held, deep fissures present in bark]
, ...1 more...
alias: Quantity of combustible stringybark, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[2: Very little combustible bark, entire trunk almost completely black or charred]
, [3: Limited amount of combustible bark, 50-90% of trunk charred. Most of the bark is charred.]
, [4: Large amounts of combustible bark. 10-50% of trunk charred. Upper parts of the tree may not be charred at all]
, ...1 more...
alias: How 'ribbon' bark is attached, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[2: No long ribbons of bark present. Trunk and branches of trees almost entirely smooth]
, [3: Long ribbons of bark present on upper trunk (>4m above ground) and in head of trees. Lower trunk mainly smooth.]
, [4: Long ribbons of bark in the head and upper trunk with ribbons hanging down to ground level or flamable bark cover trunk.]
alias: How 'other' bark is attached, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: No trees present. Trunk free from loose bark.]
, [2: Bark rubs off by hand with firm pressure]
, [3: Light hand pressure will break bark off.]
alias: Quantity of 'other' combustible bark, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[1: Trunk and branches of tree entirely smooth]
, [2: Limited amount of combustible bark]
, [3: Large amounts of combustible bark]
alias: Is there fine fuel between 0 and 1m?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: Imagining a cube 1x1x1m, how much of that box would be filled between 0 and 1m on average (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Is there fine fuel between 1 and 2m?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: Imagining a cube 1x1x1m, how much of that box between 1 and 2m would be filled on average (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Is there fine fuel between 2 and 3m?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: Imagining a cube 1x1x1m, how much of that box between 2 and 3m would be filled on average (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true
alias: Is there fine fuel between 3 and 5m?, type: esriFieldTypeString, length: 255, editable: true, nullable: true
, Coded Values:
[yes: Yes]
, [no: No]
alias: Imagining a cube 1x1x1m, how much of that box between 3 and 5m would be filled on average (%), type: esriFieldTypeInteger, editable: true, nullable: true